Please reach us at 540-699-0608 or email us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Philips Respironics posted a recall on multiple CPAP, BIPAP and other respiratory devices in June 2021. Please click on the link below for details on the recall.
If you own one of these machines, please make sure you register with Philips online and make an appointment with use to discuss options and the next steps.
1. Initial Recall Information:
2. Register your device here:
If you are using an Ozone or UV cleaning machine for your CPAP/BIPAP or other machine, please read the caution here as they are no longer recommended devices.
Philips Respironics posted a recall in September 2022 on certain masks that have magnetic fasteners. Patients and their bed partners who have certain types of implanted medical devices may be at risk of their devices being affected by the magnets.
Please see details here:
Please make an appointment with us at 540-699-0608 or your sleep physician/clinic to discuss the recalls in more detail and to determine the safest way to continue your sleep apnea therapy.
This is a baseline sleep study that is conducted in the sleep lab. Patients are scheduled to come in the evening and stay for the duration of the night while the testing is conducted. You will be in a private room that is setup as a bedroom. Going to the bathroom at night is no problem during the sleep study You will have multiple sensors attached to you that will allow us to collect the necessary data. We will wake you up around 5-6am to conclude the test.
Please come with comfortable loose fitting clothes, we will need access to you chest and lower legs for a few minutes to place the sensors. Bring anything you need to help you relax including a book or device that you may want to use before bedtime. Bring any medication that you take at bedtime with you. We have water available at night if needed but do not keep any medications in the sleep lab. There are fans in the room as well as blankets if needed. We encourage you to bring your own pillow and/or blanket if you feel it will be more comfortable for you. Your friend/family member can come with you until you are setup but unfortunately they must leave once the study starts. There are exceptions including children under 18yo as well as those who need an assistant at night.
A Split study is conducted when we have a high suspicion of sleep apnea and we want to start a patient on CPAP therapy the same night as their diagnosis.
The study procedure is the same as noted above in the 'In-Lab Diagnostic Polysomnogram' section. If we see significant sleep apnea in the first few hours of the study we will come in and start CPAP therapy for you to test what pressure settings are needed for optimal treatment.
This is is a full night of CPAP treatment as we look at your sleep patters, sleep apnea and what pressures and settings are needed to optimized your therapy. It is also an opportunity for first-time users to get a trial of what CPAP will be like at home and to get an feel for the different types of masks that are available.
The setup for this study will be the same as any other, please refer to the above "In-Lab Diagnostic Polysomnogram" section for further details about the study environment itself.
A home sleep test is an alternative to the in-lab diagnostic study. The home test consists of a small kit that you will receive that has 4 sensors which you put on yourself on during the night at home. It will record basic breathing and oxygen data and can be used if there is a high clinical suspicion for sleep apnea.
The home test does not give us details about the stages of your sleep, potential leg movements or other disruptions that may be affecting your sleep quality. Dr. Mathur will be happy to discuss this option with you during your consultation.
The MSLT is a specific test conducted to evaluate for hypersomnia (excessive daytime sleepiness) and Narcolepsy. This is a daytime test that is conducted the next day after a complete overnight sleep study is done.
The day is divided into 4-5 nap periods, each lasting about 20mins and we look to see how quickly a patient is falling asleep despite having a "good" night as evidenced by the PSG done the preceding night.
When an MSLT is ordered, the patient should be prepared to stay at the sleep center throughout the night followed by the entire next day. You will not be allowed to leave the sleep center at any point during the testing period.
An MWT is a specific test to evaluate wakefulness. This is done for various reasons including to determine whether a patient is at risk for falling asleep when at work, driving or operating machinery. It it often ordered by employers to authorize patients for work.
Testing involves coming to the sleep center in the daytime. The day is divided into 4 40-minute periods where you will be in a room and be asked to sit quietly and we determine whether there is evidence of sleepiness. You are not allowed to use any electronics, make phone calls or do any other stimulating activity.
The test starts about 1.5 hours after your normal wake up time. You are not allowed to use any caffeinated products prior to testing. Drug testing may be indicated prior to testing and will be determined by the physician.
For further information about sleep medicine and sleep disorders feel free to visit the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) website and their patient education links.
Getting a good nights sleep is paramount in keeping our mind and body healthy and helping our bodies heal. Our mission is to educate you about the importance of a good nights sleep. We will guide you through knowledge and therapies so that you can optimize your sleep and nurture every moment of life.
The importance of sleep extends beyond just the hours we spend in bed. Dr. Mathur and her team will help you examine your day and night and guide you in optimizing your health from a whole-body prospective.
Dr. Mathur is committed to a treatment plan that is focused on natural therapies and she will help you function better in the daytime as you get better sleep.
Adult and Pediatric Sleep Medicine Physician
Board Certified in Sleep Medicine
Board Certified in Internal Medicine (ABIM)
Board Certified in Osteophatic Internal Medicine (AOBIM)
400 Holiday Court, Suite 103, Warrenton, VA 20186
571 James Madison Hwy, Suite B, Culpeper, VA 22701
Phone: 540-699-0608 Fax: 540-680-2427 Email:
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Click to read more about Philips Respironics Machine AND recent Mask Recall